Currently available language is only German but we plan to integrate more lanuages in the next. The ASL Notepad is a IDE for ACPI SourceLanguage with many Features like Syntax highlighting, Debugger, Compiler and so on. If you don’t have it, this is a good time to head over to their shop and think about picking up a version which suits you. This includes a generic ACPI table parser, AML interpreter, bus and device drivers, policy, user interface, and support tools.

Uses Labels for highlighting elements (red scope, orange device, blue method) Shows indent edit lines.

Multilingual support (currently implemented: Chinese and English) Supports Tabs. It even includes an enhanced RGB LED monitoring module for those suffering from that particular addiction.ĪIDA is more than just a benchmarking tool, it gives you detailed information on every component of your system, from chipsets to peripherals and comes with a stability tester to let you determine just how stable your overclock is. The Windows versions of the various tools are zipped in a single file that is available here: iASL compiler and Windows ACPI tools (ZIP 1. Cross-platform: Linux, Windows and macOS (32 and 64 bit) are supported.

A new update for AIDA 64 has been released, offering support for a large assortment of new technologies including the X570 chipset, Ice and Comet Lake enhancements and better monitoring of NVIDIA Super cards as well as those mentioned above.