Making it easier to find the perfect materials Organizing materials alphabetically, by insertion, or by the most popular materials.Now includes corner door options to use in your designs using glass or frame for the connection type.This new tool will make it easier to layout objects efficiently and accurately 3D objects can now be evenly aligned or distributed in a model using the Align and Distribute tool.An OBJ file is a standard 3D format created in various 3D image editing programs Import OBJ files – Object wizard and all custom block elements -> Virtual Architect is expanding integrations again through the ability to import.The added speed will make designing more efficient Virtual Architect now has enhanced speed during editing and inserting elements in a model.Virtual Architect Ultimate Home with Landscaping & Decks Design 11.Virtual Architect Professional Home Design For Mac.Virtual Architect Professional Home Design 11.Virtual Architect Home & Landscape Platinum 11.